Sunday, May 1

pure, unadulterated love

interestingly new trends point to everything all natural and organic. there isn't anything you can't buy organic. i know this because i am the proud owner of organic soap, organic toothpaste and a certified organic, recycled toothbrush (yes it took me a while to get used to the idea of a recycled toothbrush too). more and more we reject products with chemicals in favour of those that are as close to their original state as possible. Because it's good for our bodies.

yet, when it comes to our spiritual beliefs we dilute and contaminate them with our human-ness.

many of us want God, but on our terms. we choose to limit the idea of God to the reaches of our human intellect and perception. this is a hard one to swallow but our human intellect and perception doesn't go very far. that's right. Sit down, take a moment and tell yourself "I don't know everything." we don't know everything. we are neither all-seeing nor all-knowing. but somehow we try to add human reason and intellect to a concept that is anything but. and we feel proud about ourselves when we think we have it all figured out.

we build religions, ideologies, philosophies, rules, wars around God. we build platforms to stand on top of and look down on others in the name of God. we build clubs of exclusivity and lines of separation demarcated by human belief. what's worse is we then focus on these human institutions rather than the very God we claim to want to serve.

and then we sit around in our polluted cloud and try to find him.

i certainly do not proclaim to have the answers. this Blog is really a document of my personal journey to find, discover and follow God.

without additives.
without preservatives.

and all that i know so far is that following God is a walk of love. pure, unadulterated, undiluted love for God and for others. you can't rationalize love. when we think about love, we don't sit and ponder "well where did it come from?" "how did it evolve?" "where is the proof that my love exists?" we just know it. we don't have to explain it, or justify it.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant!!! I love it !!! Soul writing and spirit building you got going there sis!!!

